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While aiming for the bright lights of Broadway, Elise misses her target and is instead thrown into the chaos of Mumbai, dancing in Bollywood blockbusters. The richness of India ignites a deep desire for travel, but when the sudden death of a loved one draws her home, Elise is overcome with hopelessness. Her despair transforms into an eating disorder that consumes the next five years of her youth. 


Determined to discover her unrecognised potential, Elise makes radical changes and, amid these modifications, finds love. Six months into the romance, a simple question of; ‘Are you happy?’ leads the new couple to sell up everything and move to a sweat-soaked fitness mecca in Phuket, Thailand. It is here she is lured by the irresistible call of Mother Nature and the urge to take it outside.


In her introduction to large expeditions, Elise drags a cart, carrying all of her supplies, 1,800 kilometres across the Gobi Desert. Her insatiable desire to challenge herself outdoors leads to skydiving across America, kayaking 2,200 kilometres down the Murray River, climbing five separate 6,000-metre peaks in Nepal, and cycling across Australia.


‘Take It Outside’ is more than just a retelling of a life; it is a rally cry to embrace the abundant opportunities presented by the great outdoors. Through her captivating tales and contagious love for the wild, Elise implores the nature lover in all of us­ to always answer when adventure calls. 


Let your journey begin.

International readers can find me on Amazon and Kindle


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